A couple years ago- a childhood friend of my husband’s invited me to join her weekly virtual women’s circle where they discuss matters of life via a spiritual lens and-although I only attended once- I continue to receive the weekly readings.  I don’t always take to the readings but- this weeks coincided with all the notes I’d customarily jotted down for this weeks post. Essentially, the fool, discernment and our readiness to qualify.

   So I’m reading this novel – yes, it happens to be by Phillip K Dick – my husband likes to say I’m stuck in a Dick hole – and, I can only roll my eyes so far. Anyways, he, PKD- speaks of Parsifal which translates as “pure fool” and I remembered a deck of Osho tarot cards I was given some years back that were-at times-eerily on point- but, most notably the fool card; zero .  

  I’ve since given the deck to a friend but was able to find the reading online and it reads as follows:

Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries nothing more than his purity, innocence and trust, symbolized by the white rose in his hand. The pattern on his waistcoat contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life.

  I’ve been thinking about my tendency to qualify – something we all do, to varying degrees. A lot of it happens subconsciously and-like most things, stems from fear.  Potentially-afraid of the uncertainty of the next moment and- how we may feel.

My son, George – has yet to develop that fear- that quality of tailoring moments to suit your likes or -dislikes. He’s just open – soaks it all up. 

  I started to notice books of his ask their readers to pick a favorite- color, animal or food. Maybe-from a very young age -we start putting all the parts together to make up who we are-or atleast the idea of who we think we are-and, eventually- become progressively more and more solid.

  Thinking about all of this, I have been more conscious of listening in – looking for the cues to be able move with life’s unfolding. As my spiritual friend often tells me- it’s all about awareness. Once you become aware of something -say a feeling and -if you can manage just to watch it- observe it- it’ll pass.

Just like that. All heals once brought into the light.

Instead of navigating my life based on cravings or aversions – I’d like to just watch and -as the reading suggested -do my best to welcome whatever comes my way. 

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