stay with me here

I spotted a man and a woman leaving a restaurant and as they approached their car- the man got in and- just for a moment- the women remained outside, unable to get into the car and I caught the woman’s anger as she reproached the man as he hurriedly unlocked her door.  

   For some reason, this passing glimpse has stuck with me and since then- I’ve been made to remember certain  understandings of the nature of things.  

  Things of great power are born from small seeds. In other words -It’s the forces unseen that are usually-of the greatest consequence.  

    I recently read a book about the history of electricity-its effects on us and our environment; entitled “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by Arthur Firstenberg. I’d always inherently known that we were not immune to the effects of the technologies that have become ubiquitous in our world – but didn’t quite know the extent of the harm. 

 To deny such effects would suggest that we are purely mechanistic beings that aren’t affected – even shaped- by our environment. In short – It left me not wanting to go near my phone and unplugging the modem for the majority of the day. Which, I know- it’s somehow – classified as crazy behavior these days.

The book is jammed full of data and studies painting a more complete picture of the electrical mess we’ve become entangled in. My initial reaction was to excitedly tell all those closest to me and was usually met with eyerolls or -the glazed stare. 

   So, I won’t go into it all…except- that there are signals emitted by the earth and every other biological system – creating a symphony of sorts, that allows it all to function in harmony but- we’ve silenced the conductor. Instead -filled the biosphere and all available air space with an innumerable amount of radiation and overlapping frequencies emitting synchronized beeps and boops as we all progressively become less alive.  

Cheery huh ? 

    There’s little we can do about the deluge of radiation but -we can atleast try using these technologies more consciously- limiting our use and unplugging our modems at night; not only saving energy but potentially extending the life of your device.

Though-as some of you may find when attempting to exert self limiting behavior- in regards to your devices – that we’ve become addicted to them and most of our interactions with it has been relegated to the unconscious. 

   Perhaps thoughts also occur unconsciously for most of us. Just an endless scroll of chatter and every so often one leaps out to force you to act or -more likely, react. It’s another one of these seeds – of which endless possibilities are born.

I discovered a text recently and one of the techniques  this man claims to be the secret to riches and success -is thought derived. “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. “ W.Wattles.

I may have dismissed this text outright – with its garish cover and – that title but – if it were not for the many spiritual texts Ive read; all pointing to the same; thought being the originator of the material. 

   I come back to that couple-where  a passing thought generated an emotion and it all manifested in real time. How this one moment – along with all the others that make up our lives are working to create an ever evolving future- a tapestry of slights, frustrations and anger.  All working together to bring about a future where one encounters much of the same in our external reality.  

   So – I vow to continue a daily sitting practice – regarding my phone as a tool ; to be used accordingly and imagine the best possible outcome for us all; that we may one day tap into our limitless potential for goodness. 

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