10 essential baby toys for the infant playroom: The originals. 

In the world of baby toys and products there are an inexhaustible amount of options. As a first time mom-with little experience – I was at a loss as to what toys a baby would enjoy- as well as – developmentally help them along. After much research and – experience -I found that the most basic choices were usually the best. 

  So , I put together a list of toys – specifically ones that aid with growth and development . Alot of the toys on this list are wood. Wood is naturally antibacterial and- most were made with an all natural raw linseed oil finish. 

  Let’s begin ! 

  1. The rattle. 3 months + The quintessential standard of a babies life. Every baby should be handed a rattle -like being given a baton as humanities newest member. Go forth and learn some fine motor skills!
    Rattles may seem simple – maybe even a little outdated -but,  they help a baby make cerebral connections, distinguish the origination of sounds and the ability to grasp.  My son, George -has always loved his rattle – and- has served for teething , grasping , rolling and musical purposes. The simplest toys tend to be the most versatile.

2. The Montessori spinning drum. 6 months+ This is a beautiful toy -which – I can imagine just keeping around for years to come. So many toys and baby items are not so aesthetically pleasing and-outlive their function.
I’ve seen so many dirty plastic toys piled on thrift store shelves or-on the curb for trash pickup.  I know it’s unavoidable – to a certain extent-but , whenever possible I choose a more pleasing toy to the senses.  Said to aid with eye-hand coordination – color recognition – and pure baby joy.

Montessori spinning drum

3. Walter Grip-n-duck. 3 months+. Initially serving as a grasping toy – aiding with depth perception, eye- hand coordination and motor skills. At some point -it became a source of laughter. Now we just roll ducky boy down steep inclines and watch how he lands.

Ducky Boy

4. Finger grasping interlocking discs. 3 months + Another very simple toy. Tends to continue to roll on its own without provocation. Besides having its own gravity field – it helps with a babies initial hand to hand coordination – finger grasping – and – as you can see by the picture -will be used as a teether.

Interlocking discs

5. Object permanece box. 7-8 months or-when baby is confidently sitting up on their own . Object permanece is one of the fundamental concepts that are key to a babies development. It is the understanding that an object still exists despite being unable to perceive or sense it . This one has remained in the playroom and-George will occasionally place all matter of objects in the hole – from blocks to pacifiers – occasionally giving himself a round of applause.

Object permanence box

6. Ball cylinder rolling drum. 6 months +. A beautiful toy that is engaging to a babies senses.  I was able to witness George develop his faculties as he explored this toy with both his hands and- feet .

Rolling Drum

7. Organic cotton high-contrast ball . 3 months +. We are all born with underdeveloped cones. That is -the cells in the eyes retina . Therefore , babies are able to see high contrast colors best and-will sometimes find them zoning out on a black and white image.  This ball is perfect for that early stage of development but – as time goes on- you’ll likely find that a ball never goes out of style.

High contrast ball

8. Moonkie stacking silicone cups- 6 months + These are so versatile – we throw them , roll them and , I’ve even worn one on my face for his amusement. The act of stacking requires both hands to be engaged and contributes to bilateral coordination and- concentration. All while sitting up and engaging their core muscles .

Stackers in the foreground and a George eager to knock them down

9. Nanchen organic cotton Waldorf doll – “Nucki”.  Each one is made of organic cotton, stuffed with wool and a lovely little rattle inside- along with -a hand painted face.   I’d think beautiful – handmade objects such as these- Inspire something in a child. Plus – these would make a wonderful gift for that baby in your life.


10. Sensory Wooden bell cage shaker. 3 months + Has been rolled – twirled and shaken. Aids in fine and gross motor development -finger grasping – sense perception and – we now use as an accompaniment to music !

Wooden bell shaker

Throughout Georges first year – we received other toys and -a lot of them were battery operated with flashing lights and sounds. I’m not condemning these toys- just noticed how the toys that “did” less seemed to provoke more imagination and engagement on his behalf. And – have managed to stick around the longest. 


# 1,2,4,5,6,10 -purchased from Etsy – where I’ve found some incredible craftsmen dedicated to making children’s toys and-allows one to support a small business. 

#3,9 – thewoodenwagon.com

#7 lovevery

#8 Amazon

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